Lot Elimination Table

Davidon/Scott Ranch DEIR March 2017

Lots Requiring Elimination Due to Mitigation in DEIR or Conflicts with City’s 2025 General Plan: Option B

(63 Units)

· 47-Lot Alternative: With the elimination of the lots identified above, for the DEIR’s 47-Lot Alternative, the site could accommodate 27 buildable lots: 1-7; 11-19; 32-36; 41; 42; 45; 48; 49; 50.

· 28-Lot Alternative: With the elimination of the lots identified above, for the DEIR’s 28-Lot Alternative, the site could accommodate 23 buildable lots: 1-7; 12-16; 32-36; 41; 42; 45; 48; 49; 50.

· In addition, to comply with the City’s Hillside Protection Ordinance and General Plan Policy 1-P-17’s requirement to retain ridgelines and prominent hillsides as open space through appropriate clustering and/or transfer of density to other parts of a development site, the project would have to be redesigned to avoid the prominent grassy hillsides and the ridgeline on the north and northwest portions of the site. Such redesign could include single-story, rather than two-story, homes.

Prepared by Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP for Kelly Creek Protection Project, May 2017

[1] The DEIR identifies Lot 61 as potentially being eliminated or relocated.

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