28 Homes - What difference does it make?
Do the 28 homes meet Petaluma's Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA)?
State law requires that the city submit an Annual Progress Report on meeting the housing needs in Petaluma. Below is a table of Regional Housing Need Allocation for Petaluma. See above. Source: March 21, 2022 in memo to the City Council
The table graphically shows that Petaluma has met 396% housing needs of Above Moderate income residents. According to the memo to the City Council on March 21, 2022, "However, as shown above, a plurality of those units are only affordable to above moderate-income households. At the conclusion of 2021 Petaluma is still behind schedule in meeting its allocation for low and very-low-income households.
Where do the proposed 28 Davidon houses fall into the income categories?
Obviously, the houses ranging in square footage from 2,489 to 3,380 square feet will fall in the Above Moderate income residents.
See the latest concept map: https://cityofpetaluma.org/documents/2-concept-design-2/
Reasons why the Davidon project does not meet the goals of Petaluma
Housing development linked to park plan
Adds the wrong kind of housing to RHNA (maxed out in above moderate category)
Houses are not the most environmentally sensitive option
Does not preserve scarce water resources
Planned in a very high fire hazard severity zone
Contributes to significant and unavoidable vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
Delays D street improvements (City is relying on funds from this developer to fund much needed D Street repairs)
Does not provide the best protection possible for endangered species
Removes protected grasslands and wetlands
What the FEIR says about the RHNA and these homes:
The price of homes is not an environmental impact.
The City has meet the 2015-2023 RHNA for the moderate-income category. (Our question: What about the very low and low category?)
Davidon will make a "contribution of fees to assist the City in meeting affordable housing goals."
Our bottom line:
These 28 houses sell out our wildlife and nature for 28 houses + a paved 'paradise' park